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The Most Accepted Strategies to Recruit a More Diverse Workforce
Most of the companies are now having a problem of maintaining diversity in the workplace. Majority of the employers are failing to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. Since diversity and inclusion becomes a major aspect of the industry, most of the organisations are now trying to collaborate those key aspects with their culture. Valuing diversity at work helps everyone in the organisation and it keeps everyone united. Most of the world’s best organisations are strictly following workplace diversity policies and because of that, they are achieving much more success than other organisations. Not only the gender and race, diversity can be explained through skills, personality and professional background. Below mentioned strategies will help you to recruit more diversified employees to your organisation.
Show your company diversity in external communication
If your company is advertising recruitment, you need to make sure to include a diverse range of people in those adverts. Company advertisement needs to be clear and those adverts need to give a clear picture of company culture and how the company is valuing inclusion and diversity. Companies can feature diverse by adding a range of people in videos, images, flyers and other communication materials. If a potential candidate feel safe and happy about the company’s diversity, they will tend to apply for the company.
Include diversity in your interview panels
It is important to include diversified panel of peoples to your interview panel because when the candidate see someone like them in the interview process they tend to be more satisfied and confident about the interview. Then the candidates will feel that the organisation they are applying for is valuing diversity. So that they are eager to get the job.
Be aware of your job advertisements
When companies are publishing job advertisements, they need to make sure that they are using the most suitable language, which can attract a diverse talent pool. According to recent studies, writing language matters the most when it comes to attractive job adverts. When writing the job advert you must make sure not to put so many jargons and complicated words. It must be very simple and you need to mention the benefits and job requirements. Using this kind of tips will help you to attract diverse employees to your organisation.
Implementing and following a diversity among organisation culture can be beneficial for most of the organisation because of the following reasons. Having a diversified workforce will help organisations to implement a better understanding of their customers’ wants and needs. Because customers are coming from different angles of the society, therefore having diversified employees’ base will help organisations to understand each of their customers’ perceptions and cater to their problems. According to the Harvard Business Review, 42% of the workforce are less likely to be planning to leave the job within next year if they are feeling that they are working in a diversified environment. Deloitte found that the percentage of innovation is 83% in the companies who are highly diversified because they tend to have a massive talent pool in their organisation. Besides, having a diversified workforce will help organisations to make stronger workplace collaboration and recently studied found that diverse companies are generating an average of 19% more revenue than normal companies. Therefore, an organisation must have a diversified workforce to get a competitive advantage in this fast-moving competitive marketplace.