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PeoplesHR with Synergy Health takes a step towards enhancing corporate wellbeing in Sri Lanka

The prevailing pandemic has opened a forum of discussion on corporate wellbeing in Sri Lanka, especially due to remote working practices that has become the new normal of the corporate world. Addressing the negligence on employee health and wellbeing, the partnership created between PeoplesHR, the HRIS solution by hSenid Business Solutions together with Synergy Health New Zealand, provides an answer for this rising concern.

The integration of the two digital platforms aims at improving the work-life balance of employees. This is achieved by delivering a unique technology that promotes employee wellbeing, safety and engagement inside and outside the workplace. Being based upon a behavioural change framework, employees are able to identify their current wellbeing status, educate themselves on the key areas that matter most to them and provide the motivation and incentive to improve over time.   

Organisations can also integrate and promote their own initiatives that are unique to them.  Making it customisable to their own company culture and assists them to achieve strategic goals. It is anticipated that by promoting employee wellbeing, safety and engagement programs, organisations can reduce sickness absence, reduce work-related injuries, and promote a positive culture. 

While the technology delivers a personalised experience for the employee, the level of customisation given to the organisations is more likely to influence the behaviours they specifically want to address.  In order to have the greatest impact, wellbeing programs need to be as unique as what the organisation stands for. Speaking more on this, Synergy Health Ltd. Managing Director Brad Norris stated, “Employee wellbeing has never been such a key focus for organisations. The pandemic has created significant strain on our people.  Together with hSenid Business Solutions, we are proud that this partnership will mean we can provide more organisations with the tools to proactively promote the wellbeing of its employees.”

Proactive organisations understand that employees’ wellbeing and mental health has been challenged as a result of isolation, adapting to new ways of work and living, and coping with new financial pressures. Paving the way for more organisations to invest in the wellbeing, safety and engagement of their workforce. Similarly, hSenid with the support of Synergy Health initiated the hSenid Wellness Hub, focusing on multiple goals, challenges and competitions among employees with rewards motivating them to take part and improve their wellbeing even though working from home and resulted in a game changing success. Highlighting more on the importance of this integration during the prevailing times was hSenid Business Solutions CEO Sampath Jayasundara. “Enhancing corporate wellbeing among Sri Lankan organisations has been one of our milestones to reach, and we are proud to bring Synergy Health Wellbeing Platform to Sri Lanka.”

Striving to keep up as an indigenous multinational, hSenid Business Solutions takes the responsibility of taking care of over 1,000,000 users of 1200 organisations across 18 industries in 40 countries and operates from six countries. The integration of Synergy Health and PeoplesHR, enables corporates across the globe to access the platform with the support of the HR solution. Hence creating an opportunity for a global platform to reach out towards enhancing corporate wellbeing in Sri Lanka.

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