A 5 tip guide to champion the productivity game
We recently conducted a survey on LinkedIn in which we asked our followers what they thought was the best way to increase their productivity levels at work. The options we listed were as follows.
• Make a to-do list
• Take breaks to exercise
• Stop multitasking
• Be proactive rather than reactive
The result was such that 'make a to-do list' was chosen by almost half of the respondents. This gave rise to the million-dollar question of the moment. Is making a to-do list actually the most productive practise ever? So we decided to give it some thought.
When you wake up at around 6 am in the morning, make yourself a cup of coffee and prepare to start your day, you have high hopes and would want to tick as many of the tasks you’ve listed down on your to-do list the previous night. However, as the day goes by and you keep adding tasks on to your list during the course of the day, things can start to go down the hill, and your task list only keeps growing longer and longer.
Your to-do list initially may have also included tasks that were practically impossible to complete in a single day. So, what can we do about this? Are we listing out or activities in the absolutely right way? Prioritise tasks - Based on their level of importance and urgency
Prioritize your work to achieve it more efficiently. For example, if you have multiple projects running at once, it's important to make sure that each project has its own specific list of upcoming tasks so that you don't get overwhelmed by trying to finish everything at once. This will also help prevent the feeling of being behind on work, which can result in stress or anxiety.
Create a calendar – Your personal time management tool
When creating an organised to-do list, think about how you're going to plan each day out so that all tasks stay within their appropriate time frames. You may find this helpful, "Monday through Friday between 9 am and 3 pm I will meet with clients whereas the hour before 9 am and the hour after 3 pm is for either reading, brainstorming sessions with the team or to learn something new." Then use another column for personal activities like "Sunday morning jog" or "Tuesday night dinner with friends." The reason why using a system as such would work is because, there are fewer distractions during certain times of the day. People can focus better because they aren't bombarded with phone calls at other times from colleagues who need answers right away. This way everyone knows what's expected from them without having too many things going on at once!
Take breaks to stretch yourself – Some distractions are good for health
Taking breaks that include physical activity are just as important for your health as it is for your productivity. A break every hour will give you the best results, but even a 5-minute walk or a quick workout can be enough to energise you and keep you from feeling like you're dragging through your workday. If possible, try to schedule some time near the end of your lunch break or meal time so that when it's over, it's back to work! It's also important not to mindlessly surf the internet or social media during these breaks. Listen to music that makes you feel good and helps in motivating you throughout the day (I personally recommend classical music).
Break your tasks into smaller chunks – Complete them one at a time
It's time to stop doing a million things at once and focus on one task at a time. It may be tempting to get ahead by checking your email while also answering phone calls, but this approach is actually very inefficient and can stress you out. Multitasking can lead you to make mistakes in your work, which will only require more time for corrections and revisions. Furthermore, it takes up unnecessary brain power that could be used elsewhere if you were not splitting attention between multiple tasks simultaneously. The best way to approach productivity is with a clear mind. This means turning off notifications on your computer or smartphone so they don't distract you from what matters most.
Stay ahead of it all by being super proactive
It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running your business and not think about what it will take to increase employee productivity. This is especially true if you’re feeling overwhelmed by having too much on your plate. It might seem like there are only two options. Either get more done or hire more people. But there could be a third way called proactivity! Proactive employees have their eyes on the future and know how to prioritize tasks so they can focus on those things that will move their projects forward while still addressing any immediate needs that arise. They know when a task needs their attention right away and also when it can wait. Meanwhile reactive employees are constantly dealing with things as they come up. Not always because they have no choice but sometimes just because it seems easier than thinking ahead and planning out how you want things done in advance.
If you want to improve your employees’ productivity, you need to be willing to do more than just look at the problem through one lens. The best solution is likely the comprehensive one which can be an approach that considers employee well-being, their relationship with the company and their co-workers, and so on. It may take some time and effort to implement such approach, but as we discussed earlier in this blog, it will be worth it in the end!