Personality guide from the 2 broke girls
2 Broke Girls, a popular television series, portrays the lives of roommates who have very different perspective on life, working at the Williamsburg diner attempting to raise funds to start their own cupcake business. A boring routine days’ work at the diner takes a twist with humor around some very interesting characters. The different personalities that you will meet at work are much like the characters that are portrayed in the story. Although we might not meet all these personalities at work, you are sure to meet someone, somewhere down the line that will make you think of one of these characters.
Max Black
The sarcastic mean girl with a heart of gold. Max black puts on a tough exterior but secretly has a soft spot towards helping people. She is known to deliver insulting jokes with a smile and making people feel uncomfortable in the show. Unlike her roommate and best friend, Caroline, who is a business school graduate, Max is known more for her street-smarts out of her past experiences. Maybe you haven’t met someone with these exact qualities but surely we all know someone that fits at least one part of this description. Someone who doesn’t like showing much sensitivity towards others but deep down is a fairly nice person.
Caroline Wesbox Channing
The book-smart, optimist. Caroline Channing is portrayed as a very optimistic character that always looks for opportunities and is determined to find ways to improve. Her education in business and her interest in giving her input where needed makes her the smartest one in the group. She isn’t afraid to voice her opinion and often annoys everyone while doing so. That smart kid in the group who even tried explaining how that one joke isn’t funny. We all have experience with that overly optimistic smarty that has something to say about everything.
Han Lee
The nice, polite but secretive one. Han Lee, the owner of the diner, is known to be a very nice and polite person but with many secrets when it comes to his life. He doesn’t share much details about his personal life and quickly changes the subject when it’s brought up. He tries to be fun and fit into the American culture but often fails in attempt. There’s that one person among the crowd that is very nice and polite to everyone but no one seems to know anything much about him other that his name and occupation. And there’s always someone trying a little too hard to fit in and fails miserably.
The nice guy, loved by everyone. Earl the cashier is a character that the entire cast and the viewers love. A very sweet and nice guy that always brightens the mood. A personality that we all have met at some point in our lives and have grown to love and admire.
Vanko Oleg Golishevsky & Sophie Kaczynski
The overly sensual couple. Oleg from the beginning of the show is known to be the inappropriate one in the diner that makes sensual jokes about everything that he comes across. Sophie the demeaning and unapologetic one that makes statements with her words and her choice of wardrobe. Personalities that we all have met and witnessed at least once in our lifetime.
This is just a drop of what is a sea of different personalities that you will come across. A routine day’s work comes to life with the blend of all these different personalities that you will come across along the way. You always learn something new with every person you meet along the way. And it’s the combinations of different ingredients that make up a perfect cake. So even though you can never eat flour alone, a cake can never be a cake without it.