Top 4 reasons that makes employees stay
It is not an easy task to recruit the perfect fit for the organisation and thereafter to retain them. Despite the industry they operate in almost all the businesses in the world have this common obstacle to overcome. In order to do that organisations should know what makes employees stay at one work place than changing jobs time to time.
1. Career growth and development
This is one of the most important aspects any candidate would look for before making a decision whether to stay or leave an organisation. When there are plenty of opportunities to grow within the organisation employees tend to commit themselves more and will be happy all the time and there fewer chances that they may look for opportunities outside the current job.
Career development by providing necessary training covering a vast area outside work definitely boosts their moral and commitment towards the organisation.
2. Challenging and exciting work place
No one wants to be sticking around in one place and do the same job every day. While some people might be happy to do the same work which they have mastered some might get bored with work. This could lead to decrease in productivity, focus and lack of motivation for the employee to work for the organisation.
Employees should have clear goals and objectives and they should feel that they are contributing towards organisations success. Let them know when they a good job and appreciate their efforts. Challenge them with new and exciting things that they could do to take the business forward.
3. The boss
“People leave managers, not companies” – Marcus Buckingham. This is a popular saying I have come across in social media and other platforms. In fact this is true. A subordinate needs a proper guidance and a person who can nurture them within the organisation as a manager. Being a true leader would certainly be a reason for an employee to stay. Do not be the reason why employees leave. In return it could affect the recruitment process too. This is might not be the only reason for an employee to stay but it surely plays a major part.
4. A good pay
A good pay is essential for an employee. No one wants to work for free or to be undervalued. However a good pay alone would not be the reason for someone to stay. Incentive, yearly bonuses, retention bonuses, medical insurance and flexible work schedules would include in this to. Some might be motivated by money and some may not. Non-monetary benefits could motivate employees too.
While employees making the decision to stay and be committed to one place of work, as organisations providing jobs for them should determine to be the reason why employees do not leave the job. This will make professionals improve in their work areas and cut down operational costs while increasing productivity and outcome of an organisation. If you cannot figure out what they actually want, go ask them. No one knows what the employees want than employees. Be open, share things with them, let them make raise their voice, let them take decision and make them feel special.