How To Nail Your First Job as an Intern

Generation Z and the remaining population of millennials are now graduating college and are seeking internships as the first steps to making a career. An internship is more of a step into the real world and helps one develop their professional aptitude, strengthen personality and explore the industry that they are interested to pursue their career in. Some could be enthusiastic about it while others can find it to be quite daunting.

Internships tend to be short and it is important that you utilise this time period to shine and become the best intern your team has ever had!

And here's some tips from a fellow intern on how to nail your internship:


Millennials: Truth or a Myth?

Throughout the last decade millennials and their mindset has been a much talked about topic. Being a millennial myself I began to wonder, was all this much talk and debate a waste of time? Is the definition of millennials and the surrounding facts merely a myth?

After attending many conferences, referring to books and listening to expert talks regarding this topic what made me comprehend was millennials are perceived as the black sheep among the generations, especially the previous generations.


Say goodbye to your employees with this easy off-boarding checklist

The employee exit process is never a pleasant one, the employee can be emotional, where the team might be going through a transition, whereas HR will have to make sure that the off-boarding experience is absolutely pleasant and smooth. While areas such as onboarding and performance get extremely high attention, the off-boarding process might be a little less popular within team HR. It is important that your company provides a wholesome experience from hire to retire for an employee, making an ex-employee an advocate or a referral for your company.


Is your HR team ready for the Talent Tsunami?

A talent turnover wave has been predicted ever since the start of the pandemic. Experts expect a turnover tsunami to take place as soon as the pandemic ends. Despite how well positioned employer branding and strategy is, this might not be effective once the turnover wave starts. It is important to understand why employees would want to leave, but in many cases the reasons are basic and common. There might be some employees who don’t accept the new norm that the company has put in place, including workload, lack of flexibility, culture and burnouts. Majority however would consider leaving mainly due to career growth, monitory gains and personal reasons. But all these reasons amount to a mass exit where low retention during pandemic is taking a high turn in turnover after the pandemic.