Why organisations should focus on Employer branding
Many things have changed over time. Things have evolved pretty fast during the last decade mainly due to the technological advancement. With this changes taking place in the world, there is a growing concern among many organisations on finding and retaining the best talent to achieve expected outcomes with higher productivity level.
Job seekers used to be happy only with a salary that would be enough to satisfy their basic human needs and wants. But the wants have evolved and the decision making criteria on a particular job have become quite complex compared to what it was 5 or 6 years back. Job seekers possess and have access to unlimited information with internet on their phones, tablets to almost every gadget they use. An employer every organisation should be aware of how people perceive your company as a “brand”. It is important to build the employee brand and stay attractive in order to recruit and retain the best talent in the market.
The employer brand is denoted as the reputation of an organisation as an employer. Building a brand has changed over the last few years mainly due to the competitiveness in recruiting top talent for organisations. This is where the employers should look at job seekers as consumer and identify what they want.
If you ask a person how it is to work at a globally recognize large company they will come up with many answers where they will describe all the benefits, exposure, perks and many other things even without working at the particular organisation. Each and every organisation’s goals should be to be that employer brand where job seekers die to get in to. This obviously would help organisations attract top talent and retain them inside the organisation.
Organisations should be very clear about their vision, mission, and values when they communicate to build their employer branding among the target audience. Content and social media strategies also should be aligned with the core values of the organisation.
However effective employer branding will fetch you results and would help you to have the best set of employees working towards achieving goals and objectives of your organisation. This is a combination of market research, communication and marketing to be the one of the most preferred employers to work for. This would increase the employer-employee relationships as well. Growing the company would take lesser time and will be more effective than ever before. Focusing on employer brand has become extremely vital in the current job market and better be on the top to be successful.