4 mistakes you do on social media that could have a negative impact on your career
Social media has become one of the most important aspects of our lives. We all love posting things on different social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google etc. However posting online could have a negative impact on your current or future career.
Content that you post on social media is seen by many. Not only your immediate boss and colleagues also your clients and potential recruiters see and sometime they may judge you based on that. Avoiding below outlined mistakes could prevent you from getting in to trouble and making any negative impact on your job.
1. Complaining about your colleagues, job or boss
This could turn out to be one of the worst mistakes you could have ever done. Complaints are not to be posted on social media, it rather has to be sorted in a diplomatic way. This mistake will not only cause you issues in the current job even the future recruiters may label you as a bad mouthed person and not consider you as a potential candidate.
2. Share whatever that appears on you feed
Some people do share posts and content blindly without doing any further findings about where, when and why these posts were created and by whom. Sometime the meme you thought funny and shared would have been posted by a page that may totally goes against your ethics, character and personal views.
3. Not being aware of the company’s social media policy
Do not risk your job because of social media that you use to interact with people during you leisure times. Going against your organisation's social media policy could even end up in losing your job. So always take time and read the policies and understand the documents handed over to you.
4. Complain or make jokes on clients
Customers are one of the most important stakeholders for any organisation. This could be hazardous than posting internal things on social media. This could lead to a loss of business and thereby creating a negative word of mouth in the industry that you operate in.
Always be mindful about what you post on social media. In the modern era, your personal views published on social media platform could harm your reputation at work as well.