Sexual harassment; how to avoid it at the workplace?
It is one of employer’s key responsibilities to prevent sexual harassment at work place. Every employee has the right to come to work and get back home without having to face any kind of discrimination or harassment at office.
Taking necessary steps to prevent sexual harassment will help the organisation as well as the employee to maintain their dignity and respect in the industry. Failing to provide a safe working environment at the work place would tarnish the corporate image of the organisation and will lead to several issues in recruitment and retaining the employees.
So what is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment can be identified as any form unwelcome sexual behavior. It can be physical, verbal or written that would make someone embarrassed, humiliated or offended. Any other form of conduct which is in sexual nature can be classified as sexual harassment too.
Whatever the form it may appear there are strict laws in any country in the world. It clearly states that the employee should be able to carry out their work without any issues.
The harasser could be anyone at office. Despite the rank or the position of the harasser, it is mandatory to take necessary action on them in order assure a safer work place for the employee. This does not applicable only within the office but also being harassed by a third party who is connected to the organisation such as customers or suppliers would be employer’s responsibility as well.
Harassment is not limited to female only. And there are instances where same gender harassments are reported both male and female.
What can you do to prevent it?
There are numerous steps that can be taken to prevent it from happening at the office space. Some of those are;
- Have a strong harassment policy in place - This need to be very strict, clear and covering each and every aspect that would not leave any kind of a loophole to the harasser.
- Communicate the policy - There is no point having a policy if it has not been communicated all the employees at the work place.
- Have regular review on the policy and update it - This policy needs to be updated and amended to make it more stronger
- Have a clear way of reporting harassment - Most of the cases are not being reported when the harasser is their immediate boss. And some people may want to maintain their privacy as well.
- Training sessions – It should specifically address the harassment policy and its consequences
- Immediate actions on such acts – Action should be taken immediately in a situation where a harassment is been reported
Everyone in the organisation should understand the gravity of such acts. The law and actions by the organisation should be equal to everyone and eventually your workplace would be a great place to work for anyone coming in from different kind of background.